My nephew turned 2 almost 2 months ago now and had a Thomas the Tank engine party. I think its about high time I shared his invite and cake. My sister outdid herself with learning how to use MDS to whip up his Thomas invite. Did you know you can try MDS for free for 30 days? It's normally, $24.95 AUD. Click here if you would like to have a go.
I was tasked with making his birthday cake and of course, he had to have a Thomas the Tank engine cake.
It was my first time using fondant other than just covering the cake, so while it's not perfect, it certainly was a learning experience.
I like to think the little guy is saying "Oh ahh Aunty Rosie you did a good job!" Ha ha
Check out the seriousness of his cake cutting skills
Noah loved all his presents (and he got a few), his cake and the cake tasted pretty fine also (even if I have to say myself... LOL but then again many people also told me it was yummy.) Now to research what to make for upcoming Miss 10's birthday.
