Edited: To purchase pdf visit http://rosdavidson.typepad.com/ros_davidson_live_life_an/2010/02/februarys-mmm-pdf.html
For once, I am actually glad it is Monday! My kids have been giving me some grief over the weekend and with two of them attending school and one attending kinder 8.30 - midday today, It has certainly reduced my stress levels. Not to mention, the volume in the house some what...
Enough of my tales of woe, today's MMM card. Once again, I begun with a sweet treats cup (I am in love with this in case no one has noticed!)
A pdf file of instructions for February's Making Merry Monday cards will be available to purchase from tomorrow.
Wow Ros, missed this one when you posted it but just spotted your gorgeous snow globe. What on earth have you filled it with?
Posted by: Genna | March 02, 2010 at 02:47 PM