It has been exactly SIX months since I wrote my 29 things to do before I’m 30 list. To see the original post, visit Stamp-a-memory.
So far out of the 29 listed things, I have completed 11 ½ of them [the ½ being Nikki can ride with no training wheels but Drew not yet (goal #9)]. I am part way through 9 other goals with the rest needing far more work.
1. Meet Kerri & Wade Lebel
2. Go to the dentist
3. Have a side sweeping fringe cut
4. Fly to Los Angeles & Los Vegas
5. Lose weight <70kg
6. Get my tattoo
7. Make manager with Stampin’ Up!
8. Have work published in a craft magazine again
9. Teach Nikki & Drew to ride bikes with no training wheels
10. Have a date night at least every second month with Nat – had 3 “dates” including a week away overseas. Have at least 4 more planned between now and April
11. Sleep more
12. Go to Ikea
13. Organise my craft room/study properly – slowly but surely
14. Hang wedding canvases
15. Scrapbook at least 50 layouts – ½ way there
16. Get 25% of photos taken developed – just placed another order 2 days ago
17. Cook more gluten & potato free recipes
18. Finish off handmade gifts I owe people (Amanda, Dee & Fiona) – slowly getting them done
19. Sew myself a funky camera strap
20. Hold an open house or a launch party for upcoming Stampin’ Up! promotions
21. Exercise more – working on it
22. Make birthday cards ahead of time (and not the night before or on the day needed)
23. Clean out my wardrobe and get rid of some stuff
24. Make a present for an upcoming birthday instead of buying one – working on it slowly
25. Get tested for celiac disease
26. Continue planning ahead for meals and shop with list according to meal planner
27. Paint my toe nails at least 4 times this summer – done them twice
28. Plan my 30th birthday celebration – maybe go to Thailand???
29. Document this list