Sorry I have been MIA for a week now... Last week was so busy with all the birthday celebrations going on (a quick run down to follow!)
- Sunday night at my mum's with my grandmother and siblings. All was well until I rang my brother at 6pm to find out where he was and "he forgot!" We ate dinner without him (since he took an hour to get there when we only live half an hour away) and waited for him for cake etc. My sister gave me a black long sleeved top that looks amazing on and does the "skinny" thing and a gift voucher for City Beach, and my mum gave me a handbag/purse card wishing me a happy birthday since I am shopping at Ikea with her visa for my present! So proud of my mum for making me an unusual card. She is crafty, has loads of supplies (that live at my house! LOL) but not usually much time... Go mum! Good on ya!
- Monday my birthday, worked all morning and then rushed home to take Drew to the doctors. Has a double ear infection... Not happy Jan! I didn't really enjoy my birthday, didn't actually open any presents on the day (aside from my US trip next month Nat and the kids gave me season 4 of Gilmore Girls. Nat the slack bugger didn't wrap it!) I felt as if my birthday wasn't mine since I worked and did the whole doctors thing. It wasn't until 4pm that I could actually sit down and do what I wanted for the day. I did a tiny bit of scrapping but since Monday night is my tv watching night there was little done.
- Tuesday, I worked again and had my dad and siblings over for dinner. Take away pizza and cake. Nice and simple and would you believe I stacked the dishwasher! No one helped or even offered! Not that it is hard, but come on, it wasn't for anyone else's birthday aside from Josh and me. My brother gave me a massage voucher for the local chemist (which I was thrilled with as he hadn't brought mine and Josh's presents till after work on Tuesday, as organised as ever!) I loved my voucher of my brother as it was something I would love to use and not some that would be a dust collector or something like that.
- Wednesday, had the day off from work and the kids (Josh's actual birthday) spent the morning buying some new papers at Paper Doll and getting Josh another present. Nat went to put his trike together on Tuesday and it was missing the axel. I was so disappointed at Nat and the trike as he was supposed to put it together earlier, like the week before. I rang around all Myer stores and no one had another trike and Frankston would get me another one in but not in time for his birthday. Hence why I wanted him to have another present as the trike was the main part of his present. Clothes etc. just don't cut it.
Had dinner with Nat's parents at the Cove, my meal was great, the kids were so tired from childcare even though I picked them up early. We came back here for cake and there was 3 cakes! Nat's mum made me one and cup cakes for Josh and Nat also got me a cake. (Nat was supposed to and his mum was going to make Josh's cake!) Slight miscommunication. *Sunday, we are still eating cake! LOL!
- Thursday, had mum's group here for Josh's birthday with a mini party for Joshie with his friends. Drove my dad home to pick up his ute as he sold his Statesmen (finally). Was exhausted driving him home and picked up Josh from a friends (as I also took Nat's mum home and we all don't fit in the car), picked up Nikki's script for her ear infection (yet another trip to the doctors) and when I got in the door I was too tired to cook, but hey it was the first time I had to cook in over half a week so I thought I had better make an effort. We ate late (for us) with Nat after 7pm and I barely ate my dinner. I was feeling so crappy I took some panadine and went to bed early.
- Friday, I woke not feeling much better but had to go to work again. My brother had the day off so there was no chance of me calling in sick. Worked till 4.30 then rushed to pick up the kids to go to my mum's place and my in-laws. Raced back home to get ready for dinner with my high school friends. We went out for dinner to celebrate my birthday with my friends but it ended up only being Nat, me and Glen (Nat's workmate). All my friends cancelled for some reason or another! They all want to catch up and give me my pressies but I am letting one of them organise it as I did, and look what happened! No one turned up!
- Saturday, I was crook as by late morning and we had gone and picked up the kiddies from grandparents. We came home and I spent 3 hours in bed!
- Sunday, Josh went to my grandmother's house for her birthday with my sister and the rest of us stayed home. I spent the morning in bed and another 2 - 3 hours there this afternoon. I have what feels like a head cold, the flu and lyrangitis (sp.) I have moments where I can't stay upright for too long as I get dizzy so going out anywhere is not an option. I am supposed to go to a Mattel fundraiser for childcare tomorrow but rang my mum's group friend who was going with me and told her she could have the extra tickets. I am so not well enough to go!
I plan on uploading some of the pics of the last week but have barely been o the computer as I have been so busy and now I am not well. I just got an e-mail my Sarah asking where I am so I thought I should attempt to take this week on my blog. Here's hoping tomorrow I will be feeling better.
P.S. Sorry some rambling and long!